The Historical Tradeshow Model is Obsolete.
Time to Move to the Digital Future
The next five years will be an intensely competitive battle between digital marketers and tradeshow organizers over who will own and control the customer (attendee) experience.
To win the attendee battle, tradeshow organizers must implement a new digital business model that delivers high-demand “Attendee Value” and e-marketing intensity.
The Modern Digital Tradeshow (MDT) is the new digitally integrated tradeshow management platform that organizers will need to successfully win control of the attendee experience battle…drive TRAFFIC…and retain e-marketing exhibitors.
If You Want to Attract and Retain More Attendees,
You’ll Download the Modern Digital Tradeshow Now!
The Modern Digital Tradeshow provides show organizers with a future five year “How To Guide” for: building advanced digital strategies and tactics, 24/7 tradeshow brand engagement, increasing management agility, generating TRAFFIC and delivering high value attendee on-line and in-person brand experiences.
This “How To Guide” also helps show organizers understand how to succeed in the newly emerging, highly complex and competitive b2b Omni-Channel marketplace.
The Modern Digital Tradeshow is a must read for event organizers looking for insights to stay ahead of the curve in sustaining event growth and relevancy in the future.
–Skip Cox
CEO & President
Exhibit Surveys, Inc.
Premier market research company in the event marketing industry
takes the surprise and fear out of the Digital future
The Modern Digital Tradeshow delivers a Strategic Road Map to also help Organizers see we are NOW in the attendee value creation business…in-person and on-line…and that attendee TRAFFIC generation is the new e-marketing and in-person combat zone. It’s straightforward…
No attendee traffic = no tradeshow.
Today, e-marketers are driving retailers to close stores for lack of TRAFFIC.
E-marketers are increasing their 24/7 customer-direct technologies including speech-bots, AI (Artificial Intelligence), Machine Learning and data analytics to anticipate and fulfill customer ( attendee) needs, wants and desires…and directly control the customer experience…if we let them.
The Modern Digital Tradeshow is focused on helping the entire tradeshow industry and individual tradeshow organizers navigate the future challenges of the emerging digital economy. It is both a strategic look ahead as well as a “how to” book to help individual show organizers become successful digital marketers.
–David DuBois, CMP, CAE, FASAE, CTA
President & CEO
International Association
of Exhibitions and Events
Prepare for Advancing Technologies and Customer Trends
- Technology: IoT, VR, AI (Artificial Intelligence), AR (Augmented Reality), speech bots & robots, 5G hi-speed Internet and b2c techniques that are moving into b2b marketing.
- “NOW marketing”: People want it NOW! Learn how to build COMPELLING events for attendees and exhibitors in this new, “NOW”, marketplace.
- Emerging threats: b2b “customer facing technologies” that enable b2b customer “self-ordering”… just like b2c customer self-ordering from retailers…no face-to-face selling or in-person TRAFFIC.
- Data collection, data analysis and data-driven decision making: the future “must-do” in managing shows and justifying tradeshow spending to attendees and exhibitors.
- Millennial Marketing Managers will make tradeshow and exhibiting spending decisions. Gen Z and Gen Y will drive future budget competitions between tradeshow and e-marketing programs.
Francis Friedman is one of those all-too-rare intellects that can observe an emerging trend and almost instinctively understand how it will ultimately impact businesses and the people who rely upon them.
Time and time again, Francis has demonstrated that he is not only a keen observer of the changing world around us, but he also possesses the skills and talent to shine a bright light on the best path forward to a more secure future.
–Steven Hacker, CAE, CEM, FASE
Principal, Bravo Management Group
Ten Reasons to Read
By reading The Modern Digital Tradeshow you will learn how to:
- Successfully convert your organization into a digitally centered enterprise
- Increase your teams integrated digital marketing skills and capabilities
- Fully understand “NOW” marketing and its impact on tradeshows
- Build compelling attendee value into what your show delivers
- Successfully compete on a 24/7 basis for TRAFFIC and sales
- Build your tradeshow as a powerful “brand”
- Aggressively compete with digital e-marketers
- Become an agile, omni-channel, marketer
- Utilize data/metrics/marketing to expand your show community
- Make more money
I recommend that every tradeshow organizer read this book.
Francis Friedman provides readers with not only a strategy for competing with business-to-business digital marketing practices, but a blueprint for industry survival.
–Michelle Bruno, MPC
Editor, Event Tech Brief
Writer | Content Strategist | Blogger
Technology Journalist
Meet Your Author
The Modern Digital Tradeshow has been extensively researched and written by Francis J. Friedman, an award winning senior tradeshow industry consultant, international speaker, industry futurist and thought leader. His past articles and speeches have predicted the changes that are taking place today.
The Modern Digital Tradeshow delivers an integrated business building platform. This integrated platform includes both a Strategic Plan and a hands-on How To Guide to help tradeshow organizers succeed in the increasing complexity of the next five years.
The Modern Digital Tradeshow will also help tradeshow organizers STAMP OUT BORING SHOWS.
Get Started Now Building Your Five Year Digital Future
You’ll need time to think through the necessary internal analysis, build appropriate systems and install e-marketing upgrades to your shows and events. Accelerate your progress by having your entire team download the book and then use it as a strategic planning tool across your entire organization.
By starting NOW, you’ll successfully compete over the next five years, in both up and down economic conditions, to fully satisfy your attendee needs, wants and desires…and win the attendee EXPERIENCE and TRAFFIC battles. Click below and access your FREE e-copy of the MODERN DIGITAL TRADESHOW.

Francis J. Friedman

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